Conferences Big

Territory Dynamic Africa

Is your company looking for professional advice, expert training for your managers into leaders; market your company through large and small scale events or looking for other forms of consultancy?

Territory Dynamic Africa has become a trusted partner and counselor to many of Africa’s most influential businesses and institutions providing new opportunities for growth. Our team of experts create business strategies that enable African companies, CSOs and government to define new business and target-operating models to maximize value and manage complex changes throughout their organizations.

Our Services

Who We Are

We are Practical strategists. Collaborative by nature. Sleeves rolled up. Committed to our clients’ success.

What we do

We simplify the complex to inspire the boldest decisions. We help build clarity, energy and courage to move forward.

How we do it

We help you seize the opportunities others didn’t see or think possible. We have the imagination to help you win.

Our Vision

To be a top-notch, most trusted Afrocentric consulting provider; faithfully delivering top quality service throughout the continent and beyond.


Our Mission

“To be the partner-of-choice consultancy provider providing creative services to our clients, building strong Afrocentric client relationships based upon integrity, respect and respect.”


Core Services

Consulting Services
Research and Polling
Project Management
Event Management
Skills Training

Some Facts in Numbers

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Our Expert

Jackob Nelson


Tina Thomson


Mark Stephens

Team Head

Hannah Bolton

Branch Head

Request a Callback

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Success Reports

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